
Wisam Khaleefa

Hello! Im Wisam, a passionate software developer who enjoys puzzle solving and putting my creative mind to use. I love a good challenge and creating dynamic full stack applications. My favorite technologies to use are JavaScript and Python, but I know much more! Check out my projects and skills below and feel free to reach out to me. Fun facts: I love cryptocurrencies and plan on learning blockchain perhaps with solidity. I love pushing myself to the limit. Anything fiction; you name it, I'll love it and probably know all there is to know about it! Thanks for visiting!


Learn more

House of Wisdom

I developed the House of Wisdom app using Python, JavaScript, React, Redux, AWS, and CSS3. The app allows users to manage books through CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete), ensuring dynamic updates and data integrity with Python and SQLAlchemy on the backend. Users can also leave reviews and ratings, with React and Redux handling real-time updates and centralized state management for a smooth user experience. The robust backend leverages RESTful APIs for secure and efficient data handling, making the app both interactive and reliable.

Pokémon Search App

I used JavaScript and the PokeAPI to build a Pokémon search tool. The app allows users to search for Pokémon by name or ID, retrieving data such as the Pokémon's name, ID, stats (HP, attack, defense, etc.), types, and sprite image. The data is fetched using async/await for handling API requests, and the results are dynamically displayed on the webpage. The search results are reset if no Pokémon is found. This app demonstrates my ability to work with APIs, handle asynchronous data, and manipulate the DOM to present data interactively.

Roman numeral converter

I used a greedy algorithm to convert numbers to Roman numerals. By iterating through an array of Roman numeral mappings, I subtract the values from the input number and append the corresponding symbols to the result string. This process repeats until the number is reduced to zero, ensuring accurate conversion within the specified range.

Programming 101

This project is a comprehensive guide to JavaScript, providing detailed explanations on core concepts like variables, functions, loops, conditionals, and more. It includes sections on key JavaScript features, such as data types, variable scope, and function declarations. The layout is user-friendly with a navigation bar for easy access to different topics, making it an excellent resource for both beginners and experienced developers looking to refresh their knowledge. The design is clean and simple, ensuring smooth navigation and easy reading.

Us Phone Number Validator

The Phone Number Validator is a tool designed to check whether a given phone number is valid according to US phone number formats. It ensures that the number contains only digits, spaces, dashes, and parentheses, and verifies that parentheses are properly balanced. The tool also checks the length of the number, ensuring it has between 10 and 11 digits, and that it doesn't start with invalid prefixes such as "-1". Additionally, it validates that the area code and the first digit after the area code are not "0" or "1". If all checks pass, it confirms the number is valid; otherwise, it provides an error message indicating the issue.


JavaScript & Python

React & Redux


Express & Flask

Sequelize & PostgreSQL

Heroku & Docker & Render

Get in touch

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or opportunities. I'm always open to new projects and collaborations, so don't hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you!